Tuesday, October 21, 2008

RSS Posting 3

Well it has been a few days since my last blog about RSS, Igoogle, and podcasts and spent a lot of time tweaking my RSS reader. It has become apparent that some of the information that I had subscribed to looked interesting at first but as I spend time with them I find that they are not the best feeds to be watching, so I spent alot of time tweaking my RSS feeds these past few days. Also, some blogs I subscribed to have not had a new posting since I added them. Some I have kept as they have some good information, but others I have deleted to make space for new and better ones.

PE for Children is rapidly becoming my favorite blog to read. They have many interesting articles about children and obesity and the last article I read PE and No Child Left Behind talked about how PE is not held accountable like core curriculum classes.

I find that looking for stuff that I want to have in my RSS feeder has been fun and educational. My problem is I can spend too much time doing it as I can get distracted by working with and following new leads on technologies, ideas, and gadgetry. For instance, Engadget is always putting up new hardware that is in the works or they have an opionion about well... before you know it I am doing searches about the product to learn more about it. But the more I think about it I think that it is actually a benefit. But it still takes time and then by the time I am done playing I still need to do my assingment.
I will talk more about this in my 4th and final blog about RSS.

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